Check out these tips from our playgroup captain for keeping your little ones entertained in the stroller.

8 Tips for keeping your little one entertained in the Stroller
Books: Consider borrowing “new” books from the library so your child has something different to look at during class. My girls enjoy the “lift the flap” and “look and find” books which are more interactive.
Consider if your kids has a favorite toy at home they could bring to play with like a baby doll or toy car.
Stickers: Let your kiddos put them on a piece of paper or all over themselves. If your kid is a little older you can write out their name or draw different lines on a paper for them to cover with stickers. Or consider letting them match letters or shapes on an old paper towel roll.
Felt Activity: The great thing about felt is it sticks to itself so you could make a felt shape or color activity for your kids to use again and again.
Lacing Cards: consider making your own out of felt or cardboard. Simply use a hole punch and a piece of yarn or ribbon.
Coloring: There are multiple coloring options out there. Color wonder where the markers only work on their paper. Water wow books that reveal themselves when you use a special water marker. Play packs with a mini coloring book and crayons. There's nothing wrong with traditional paper and crayons. Download and print the coloring sheets below for your next class.
If you are looking for reusable toys consider Melissa and Doug's reusable sticker pads and puffy sticker scenes. Or a magnetic playset where all the pieces are stored in a tin.
Snacks: you can never go wrong with a bag full of snacks.