8 tips to relieve heartburn
Heartburn tends to plague expecting mothers at the start of the second trimester and increases in frequency during the third trimester. Here are 8 handy tips to help relieve heartburn.
Heartburn tends to plague expecting mothers at the start of the second trimester and increases in frequency during the third trimester. Progesterone acts with relaxin to relax muscles in pregnancy, but it also acts on the stomach valve that keeps acid out of the esophagus making heartburn a reality for many moms-to-be. In addition, the growing uterus crowds the stomach, forcing acid into the esophagus. Finding the right combination of relief may be trial and error. Here are 8 handy tips to help relieve heartburn:
Eat small, frequent meals to avoid overloading the stomach
Maintain good posture to allow more room in the stomach and the abdominal area
Stretching the arms high overhead when heartburn occurs may help
Avoid drinking cold beverages with a meal
Avoid spicy foods
Limit trans-fat intake
Limit milk products
Avoid heavy foods or a full meal before bedtime
For more handy tips like this check out FIT4BABY. Our prenatal wellness program.