A Body Well Story: Nina's Body Well Journal
Hear from Body Well client Nina on how Body Well impacted her.
Nina shared one of her journal entries with us from her last Body Well session. Read below to hear how Body Well impacted her and her family.
"The Body Well program is a transformative process. I joined 8 months postpartum not knowing much about the program and with the sole purpose/intention of losing my baby weight. Little did I know that I would spend an introspective 8 weeks learning invaluable life skills beyond food and workouts. We were challenged week to week to focus on a different personal attainable goal. From water and leafy greens consumption to sleep and positive thinking.
One of my favorite aspects of the program was all the delicious recipes I got to try. Body well exposed me to fresh ingredients I’ve never tried before. Recipes that were quick, delicious and family-approved that will definitely be staying on rotation in our household.
The mental health aspect was challenging and worthwhile. Daily reflection on our wins helped me develop a habit of looking for the positive in each day. Who knew that even on the roughest days with a tantrumy toddler and teething baby there were wins to be had! I finished the program 10 pounds lighter, feeling stronger and most importantly with an incredibly positive attitude and optimistic approach to motherhood.
Body well somehow turned me into a runner! It all started with the 1 mile fit test. I ran it and thought to myself “that wasn’t too bad”. Then I kept increasing the distance each week feeling stronger and more confident as I went along. By the end of the 8 weeks I had ran my first 5K. I came to lose weight and left with a renewed sense of self, a drive to better myself and my family. Habits I will be taking with me include the handy dandy habit tracker, daily mantras, meditation, weekly HIIT workout, some running, salads galore! Drinking a lot more water than I did previously.
Body well is a profound journey that allows you to reconnect with yourself, recenter and prioritize your well being. I realized that though I loved my husband and two babies, I was pouring from an empty cup. Body well helped me refill my cup and taught me valuable skills that I will continue practicing to ensure that my cup is always full.
Things I’ve tried for the first time thanks to Body Well:
Spaghetti squash Pad Thai
Poke bowl
Cauliflower rice
Quinoa burgers
Vegetables with breakfast multiple times a week
5am body boost class
What a ride it’s been!