Are you pregnant and suffering from back pain? Read these tips to help alleviate pain and tension.

Back pain during pregnancy.
Back pain during pregnancy is a common complaint — and it's no wonder. Your body is going through some amazing changes! With those changes your center of gravity shifts, your posture is impacted, and your hormones are relaxing the ligaments in your joints. However, you can reduce back pain in a couple of ways. Consider seeing a chiropractor and complete these easy moves to strengthen your back and core muscles.
FIT4BABY instructor Rebecca recommends trying these 5 exercises to help strengthen the lower back. Start with Belly Breathing to practice good core engagement before progressing to the other exercises.
Belly breathing. Relaxation technique to help with core engagement.
Pelvic tilts- The pelvic tilt exercise can release tight back muscles and keep them flexible. They also help you connect to your deep core and pelvic floor engagement muscles.
Bridge - (suitable for all trimesters) The Bridge exercise works the gluteus Maximus. Strengthening the glutes helps support the lower back.
Side lying leg lifts - (suitable for all trimesters) Lying lateral leg lifts work the hip abductor muscles. These muscles support the pelvis and can help reduce strain on the back. Keeping these muscles strong is essential, as they help a person maintain their balance and can affect mobility.
Cat-Cow - (suitable for all trimesters). A popular prenatal yoga move. The cat cow stretch can help lengthen the back, make it stronger, and ease tension in the back muscles.
Supermoms- (Only suitable for 1st trimester). Works the erector spinae. A person needs strong back extensors to maintain good posture. These muscles (erector spinae) run along either side of the spine. Weak back extensors can reduce spinal and pelvic support,
Bird Dog - (Suitable for all trimesters). Works the erector spinae and glutes. A person needs strong back extensors to maintain good posture. These muscles (erector spinae) run along either side of the spine. Weak back extensors can reduce spinal and pelvic support.
For more trimester safe exercises and muscles to help strengthen the lower back check out our FIT4BABY classes.
You may also want to consider a chiropractor to help you alleviate back pain. In that case, we recommend you search for a local chiropractor who is certified in the Webster Technique and a member of the ICPA . Webster certified chiropractors are specially trained in the ‘Webster Technique’. This chiropractic technique helps to correct sacral misalignment and balance pelvic structures. This improves nervous system function, removes tension to the uterus and its surrounding muscles and ligaments. In short, it can help alleviate and address back pain.
You can check for current physicians who hold the certificate of proficiency in the Webster Technique here.