It’s the first week of Fall...and while the weather may not have caught up yet we are excited for the change of seasons and the fun activities (and treats) that come with it. The FIT4MOM Madison team has put together a list of THEIR favourite fall spots below. Check out our events page on Facebook @fit4mommadison if you’d prefer to visit some of these spots with friends.

Fall Favourites
Tate Farms Pumpkin Patch
With mazes, slides, hay rides, animals, barnyard playgrounds and lots of other family fun, Tate Farms is a MUST this Fall. Check out all the aforementioned plus fireworks events and pumpkin smash events.
Scarecrow trail at botanical gardens
This year's Scarecrow Trail features over 40 displays created by local businesses, schools, clubs, and organizations. Also check out the Scarecrow Trail Night Hikes...Grab your flashlight and enjoy a family night hike through the Garden’s Scarecrow Trail and BOOtterfly House. Listen for bullfrogs, crickets, owls, and other nighttime critters and keep an eye out for fun surprises along the way. Warm cider and a snack will be provided.
Hike to see the leaves at Green Mountain
The Madison County Nature Trail at Green Mountain provides the perfect setting for nature lovers of all ages — whatever the season. Spring features the park’s beautiful azaleas and dogwoods, while summer exhibits colorful wildflowers blooming beneath the forest’s deep green canopy. In fall, amidst the crisp mountain air, trees display a glorious collage of color. Winter contrasts with its stark beauty and the quiet rustle of leaves along the forest’s floor.
Scarecrow contest & apple slushies at Isom's
Go visit Lunging Lucy at Isoms Orchard. Many Scarecrows are on display throughout the month of October, go vote on your favourite and don’t forget to grab an Apple slushie while you are there!
Apple picking at Scott's
Just a short drive from Madison you can enjoy apple picking, tours that include a narrated wagon ride around the farm, cider, slushies and local produce.