Ready to pack your hospital bag? We have been there, done that, and wish we’d known to bring flip flops! This month we got together with Tracy Abney, local Doula and mom of 4 with Rocket City Doulas (, and together we’ve compiled a list of must haves that you’re going to love having during your hospital stay.

Hospital Bag Checklist
What is going in your hospital bag? Here are our top must-haves!
For you:
Comfy clothes. We’re talking PJs/robe/your comfy jogging bottoms.
Slippers or Flip Flops
Pillow- this isn’t for everyone; but for those like me (aka a pillow snob), having my pillow helped me sleep better. This is huge in the hospital where sleep is minimal.
Along the same line, a blanket. I suggest this mostly for clients who are having inductions where they are asked to come the night before to get some type of cervical ripener. Again, hospital sleep is hard, especially when you’re excited and anxious to meet your baby the next day.
Thinking of breastfeeding? Then consider bringing a nursing pillow. But remember breast or bottle... #fedisbest!
Travel size toiletries and chapstick. Make that first shower after labor and delivery something special. Get your favorite products and spend a few minutes pampering yourself. You deserve it! But full disclosure, sometimes a shower (for a number of reasons) may not be in the cards right away. In that case, grab the dry shampoo and baby wipes!
Music. Make a hospital stay playlist with your favorite tunes.
Extra long phone charger. Why are those outlets always behind the bed out of reach?
Consider a noise machine if you usually sleep with one at home or would like to drown out some external noise from the halls.
Snacks. Just trust us, you’ll want ALL the snacks!
For your partner:
Sweatshirt- it can get cold when the pregnant person is laboring and needs that thermostat lower than non-pregnant people.
Socks or slippers- something to easily slip on and off
Pillow. I swear every hospital has a pillow shortage.
Extension cord- not only gives length for extra space, but also provides two additional outlets for other things.
Toiletries for partner
Snacks! For during labor and postpartum
Book (or something quiet to do)
For baby:
Outfit (and a spare) to take baby home in. The hospital will provide onesies, swaddles, and blankets so don’t feel the need to pack a lot. You may also want to pack a cute outfit for hospital pictures. They often have photographers come to the room.
Car seat (INSTALLED).
Last but not least, let’s talk bags. First tip, pack two bags: one for labor and delivery and one for postpartum. Carting multiple bags around the hospital from labor and delivery (and sometimes have to move an additional time if a cesarean is needed) around the hospital is a hassle and a lot to keep track of. Secondly, save space in bag #2 to bring home all the things the hospital gives you. They will provide diapers, baby hats, witch hazel pads, maxi pads, mesh underwear, and other things depending on the hospital. You’ll want a way to get them home.
Plus..don't forget! After labor, once you're healed and feel ready to move about be sure to check out a FIT4MOM playgroup or class. We are the nations leading postpartum fitness program and are here to support you.