Dr. Chrisavi is a Webster-certified chiropractor located in Huntsville. Learn more about her and her practice, Max Mommas, here.

Meet Dr. Chrisavi
Tell us a little about yourself?
I was born and raised in Hoover, AL and attended Auburn University for my undergrad. Auburn is where my love for health blossomed. I graduated in Health Promotion and Kinesiology and interned at a local chiropractic office. This office was a life changing moment for me, because at this office I witnessed kids healing from allergies, colic, constipation and many other things. Pregnant moms came to ensure a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and healing process. One mom who came to that office for infertility, after trying everything else, inspired me to go to school to become a chiro myself. After 3 months of care she was pregnant and I was amazed once again at the power of chiropractic and how the body could heal naturally. So, I went to 4 more years of school to get my doctorate in chiropractic, specialized in the Webster technique so I could serve moms, moved to Colorado with my husband and opened our first practice. We loved it there and were blessed with many successes, however, my heart was still in Alabama and I wanted to be closer to family after having our two kids so we just moved back and are excited to be serving the Huntsville community here soon!
Tell us a little about your practice / what it specializes in?
My husband and I are both chiropractors, but we have different specialites. He is board certified in treating neuropathy and was a personal trainer before chiropractic school. So, our office serves many people young and old in understanding what their bodies need when it comes to structural improvement, nutritional needs, and exercise. I have always loved working with pregnant women and babies. This is why I got my Webster certification while I was in school. After having my own natural births with my kids I became even more motivated to help encourage women and create beautiful pregnancies, deliveries, and healing processes. So, with this office I am solely focused on pregnancy, postpartum, and babies/kids because of how important it is and wanting to be more available for this community.
What is your WHY?
I love working with prenatal/postnatal women because it's one of the more vulnerable times in a woman's life and to help be a guide, a friend, a resource, or a shoulder to cry on or laugh with; I enjoy every part of it. I had a wonderful birth team when I delivered my kids in Colorado. I believe every mom should have the choice of how to give birth if they are healthy to do so and they should be informed about their choices. So many moms are not told how beautiful birth can be and I feel that if I can just encourage moms by helping their bodies be prepared for labor, delivery, and healing then I am helping that woman become a mother. This transformation into motherhood can be hard, but it's also beautiful and I pray that my skills and support helps them in their journey.
You have 4 hours of babysitting what would you do with your time?
If I had 4 hours of babysitting, I would first go get a hot cup of coffee...all us moms know what a treat it is to sit and drink HOT coffee with no interruptions :) I would walk through either Target, HomeGoods, or a local boutique and create all the things I would want to buy in my mind but would probably just end up walking out with a new candle like I always do. I would finish off my final hour with going to a local flower shop and figuring out something I could buy in hopes I could keep it alive because I love plant shops, yet still have a lot of learning to do about how to keep them alive! After those 4 wonderful hours I would come home and be so happy for the time away, yet so excited to see my babies. It's that crazy mom brain of somehow just a few hours away and you miss your little people.
Your fav spot to hangout in Huntsville?
I feel that I still have so much to explore and learn about, but so far I have loved Campus 805 because you can bring some friends, a picnic blanket, snacks, yard toys and let the kids run around and have fun while you enjoy time with your friends as well.
What's the best way for people to reach out to you?
Our website https://www.maxhealthal.com/webster-technique/ is a great resource for people to go and check out to learn more. You can also request an appointment, send us a message, read through our testimonials...it's a wonderful place if you are interested in our work for yourself or a loved one. I also have an instagram account @maxmommas where I post about anything and everything about motherhood.