This month we are excited to highlight Brittany, as our Motivating Mom of the Month. Her efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle for herself AND her family are so inspiring. Read on to hear her story.

Motivating Mom of the Month- Meet Brittany
My Wellness Story
Overweight, overtired, overwhelmed…and I was OVER IT! In January of 2019, I was making my New Year’s resolutions for yet another year hoping maybe this would be the year I would finally lose the baby weight, run a 5k, and “get fit” or at least get back into those skinny jeans. I’m an excellent starter, but I’m a horrible finisher once the going gets tough. I knew I needed consistency and accountability in some way.
I tried a few workouts offered in the area to see what I enjoyed and what I could handle. Each workout was doable but I found myself struggling to coordinate traffic, childcare, and meals so that I could enjoy a workout all to myself. Then I found FIT4MOM and tried a stroller strides class in which I could still get an hour workout AND bring my kids. I instantly felt welcomed. The camaraderie and positivity was contagious. Emily, one of the amazing FIT4MOM instructors, entertained the kiddos with bubbles, songs, and books while also instructing us in the exercises. IT WAS AWESOME! I couldn’t believe I had found such a treasure. The instructors were real Moms AND certified fitness instructors able to give variations and modifications of every exercise regardless of your ability. Not only did I get a great workout, but my kiddos and I also got to socialize and make new friends.
After class that day, I was invited to join Run Club with FIT4MOM. The group was currently running a mile day challenge. Seriously?!?! Who willingly runs a mile a day in the winter?! These Moms were crazy. But I decided to join in on the torture…I mean fun even if it meant just walking a daily mile. After only 3 months of joining Fit4Mom, I lost weight, inches, negative self talk, and fear. I gained strength, energy, friendships, and a new sense of OH YEAH, I can do this!
In March of 2019, I DID IT! I ran my very first 5k. Plans changed at the last minute and I ended up pushing over 50lbs with my two sons in the double stroller for the entire race with my instructors cheering me on! I didn’t stop and I didn’t walk. I actually cut 45 seconds off my time AND placed 5th in my division. I cried…just a few tears at the beginning and a few at the end. This non-runner was a runner. I felt like a total BOSS! The runner’s high is legit!
I read something recently about paying attention to your tears…to what deeply moves you. My Grandfather had passed away only a month before race day. Although unexpected, he also wasn’t in the best state of health. I remember thinking about him as I crossed the starting line and finish line while seeing the faces of all the runners there. There were people of all different ages and sizes. I found myself being moved to tears by ordinary people push themselves to accomplish their goals. And on that day, it clicked for me…what health really looks like, what “fit” really looks like.
It’s not about the weight or the scale or the inches or the diet or the fast. It’s about taking that first step. That second step and so on and so forth. It’s about moving your body and continuing to move your body. It’s about surrounding yourself with like minded people who will push and pull you to your finish line. It’s about being healthy.
This year I became a runner, and I’m currently training for my very first half marathon. It still sounds weird when I say it out loud. I’m still trying to work on a balanced life specifically when it comes to nutrition. Old habits die hard but I’m going to keep killin that habit til it’s dead in the ground. I WILL NOT be taken out by preventable diseases! I’m changing my genetics, and I’m taking my kids with me.
Over the course of this year, we purchased a fitness watches, a double jogging stroller, converted half of our garage into a home gym, and recently invested in a treadmill which we use multiple times a week. I can now say that I have more athletic apparel than I do any other type of apparel. I just hit a new personal record of a 10.45 mile pushing both boys in the double jogging stroller that are now over 70lbs.
My husband has been a huge support system along the way and has lost over 75 pounds himself. One of our mantras has been Fit Family 2019. The boys love to be outside. They can also do push ups, mountain climbers, planks, tricep dips, just to name a few. My older son, who is 4, ran a whole mile with me last week without stopping. We are establishing new habits and essentially changing their future.
FIT4MOM was not only a game changer…it was life saver!
My name is Brittany Swain, proud member of FIT4MOM Madison, AL and I’m a runner…but more importantly I’m healthy.
If you’re a local Mom and find yourself “over it” as I did, I do hope you’ll consider coming to a class. I guarantee you won’t regret it!
Brittany is an inspiration and it shows from the words her instructors and friends used to describe her:
Patient, sweet, giving, uplifting, positive, amazing human and friend….
"Brittany has a genuine heart. If you need advice or help with anything she is the first to step in. I love her drive and passion for her fitness and always trying to find new ways to make it enjoyable for her to experience. Most of all, her smile. It’s so motivating and makes me proud to call her a friend."
~ Angie, Instructor
“Brittany is a huge encourager to everyone around her! She has become one of my favorite running partners. We only get to run together once a week for our long runs but she checks in during the week and helps keep me motivated! She makes everyone feel like they are long lost friends....welcomed and loved! ”
~ Jessica, Playgroup Captain and Brittany’s running Buddy <3
"Brittany is such a joy to workout with. She is so positive, encouraging, happy, fun and just all around awesome! She loves her boys so much and does so many wonderful things with them I have loved watching her fitness journey, she continues to get stronger everyday! I am so happy to have her as a friend! :)"
~ Emily, Instructor
"Brittany is so encouraging. I love how patient she is with all the kids and so sweet to them. She’s also very giving- her time, her advice. She’s also a lot of fun! She participates in all the fun for baby!"
~ Allison, Instructor
We asked Brittany a couple questions so that you could get to know her better. Her answers give you insight into the amazing mama she is.
When was your first FIT4MOM class and what do you remember about it?
My very first FIT4MOM class was Stroller Strides in January of 2019 with Emily. Besides occasionally doing yoga, I hadn’t worked out in ages. I was very nervous that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with all the other Moms. I was worried my kids would melt down being in the stroller for that long, but with Emily’s entertaining songs and books, they did quite well. Despite my nerves, I remember instantly feeling welcomed. It was NOT a stereotypical “only athletic Moms allowed” kind of group. There were Moms of all different shapes and sizes in various stages of Motherhood. Not only was it a fun workout, but I also made some friends, which my sons and I desperately needed being new to the area. I went home that day and told my husband I had to join!
What is your favourite class exercise?
My favorite class exercise is Emily’s High Hopes, a mix of jump squats, tricep dips, and push up. I hate it because it’s challenging, but I love it because it’s fun…and challenging!
What is your current job? Or what did you do before staying at home (if you don’t currently work outside the home)?
I’m a homeschooling Mom of two, who also teaches English as a second language online to students in China.
What are 3 of your favourite things?
1. Jesus
2. Family
3. High waisted leggings
You are given 4 hours of FREE babysitting. What would you do?
I would grab a coffee and shop then hustle back home for a power nap and a hot bath. You can do A LOT with 4 hours of uninterrupted time.
What has being a mom taught you?
Being a Mom has taught me many things, but I think the most important one is love. Once you have a child, you get a whole new perspective of the profound deep love the Father has for his children.
What is your funniest or most embarrassing mommy moment so far?
I remember being so sleep deprived after having a newborn that I walked into the shower with socks and underwear still on. But hey, at least I got a shower and clean socks and underwear!
Any words of wisdom for other moms?
When you get a gut feeling that you should go speak to another Mom, encourage another Mom, or compliment another Mom don’t hesitate to do it. You never know what struggles she may be going through. Chances are, you have the words she needs to hear.
What is your favorite thing about FIT4MOM? What would you tell someone thinking about joining?
The accountability and camaraderie that I have received with FIT4MOM is priceless! I have never been around a group of women that is so encouraging and inspiring. Join for the inexpensive, fun, workout and you’ll stay for the friendships for you and your kiddos.