The Winter weather has shown little sign of letting up so far this year, but Spring Break is on the horizon! So what better month than the month of Spring Break to showcase one of our very own amazing Teacher Pass Holders, Stacey Roy.

Motivating Mom...Meet Stacey
Stacey first joined FIT4MOM Madison in September 2016 and is one of our veteran BodyBack mama’s (she hasn’t missed a BodyBack session since its launch last year #rockstar). Stacey also takes advantage of our Teachers Pass for Stroller Classes during school holidays. Read on to learn more about Stacey and her FIT4MOM story.
Stacey Roy is one tough working mama! Not only does Stacey have three sweet kiddos, but she also does amazing work for countless other children as a SLP teacher. She sets such a wonderful example for her children with her strong workout ethic and healthy eating/cooking habits. She does wonderful things with her DoTerra products and shares her knowledge with many others. If that was not enough, she does this all on the very little sleep, mom life! Well done Stacey! Love getting to workout with you!
~ Emily W, FIT4MOM Madison Instructor
I first met Stacey at our first Body Back session. I was so overwhelmed by EVERYTHING. Exercise was new to me and I was kind of finding my way. Stacey was so awesome with her constant encouragement both at class and in our class Facebook group. I don't think she ever really knew what her support meant to me. Her health and wellness journey continues to inspire. I am so honored to now call this Mama my friend!
~ Laura H, FIT4MOM Madison Tribe member
Stacey is one of the most supportive and hard working women I know. She has been such an amazing support for our family throughout both of our adoptions and in every day life. She drove down to Birmingham multiple times to visit us when our oldest was in the NICU and was the first friend to our house when we brought her home! She was also there planning, working, and sweating with us as we raised funds to bring our youngest home from Vietnam. Stacey was at the airport to hug and cry with us when we brought her home. And I can’t count the times she’s brought me essential oils and soup when one of us is sick. She stays VERY busy: mother of 3, wife, full time speech and language pathologist in the schools, athelete, volunteers at church, and an incredible friend! Basically she’s a BEAST in every aspect of her life and we continue to be blessed by her every day!
~ Kelly H, FIT4MOM Madison Tribe member
I’ve had the privilege of having Stacey in all of my Body Back sessions since I’ve started teaching! She’s hardworking and has the best attitude at every class, no matter what is going on in her life. She supports and encourages the other Mamas in and out of class. She’s giving of her time if anyone needs a hand! And she leaves it all on the mat for every workout! Stacey is the perfect example of #strengthinmotherhood and this tribe is lucky to have her!
~ Kelly, FIT4MOM Madison Village Manager & Instructor
Who are the members of your family and where are you originally from?
I've been married to my best friend and high school sweetheart for 16.5 years. We have two girls (ages 9 and 6), a baby in heaven, and a two year old son. At six months old, I was adopted from South Korea and grew up in Louisville, KY.
When was your first Fit4Mom class and what do you remember about it?
My first class was a Stroller Strides class when I was on maternity leave with my son. I remember almost talking myself out of it because my friend, Kelly H., was going to try her first class on a different day. I also remember being out of shape and out of breath, pushing that stroller all around Palmer, and a crying baby who hated being in the stroller. Ha! Honestly, the best part of that first class was hearing from Melissa afterwards, thanking me for coming to class and putting myself out there.
What is your favorite class exercise?
Having been through several rounds of Body Back now, I have to say my favorite class overall is a Pyramid class. Within that, my favorite exercises are the strength and core exercises, especially wood choppers and resistance rows with the tube/band.
What is your current job?
I am a speech-language pathologist, who currently works in the Madison City School system.
What are 3 of your favorite things?
Cooking, Reading, and COFFEE!
You are given 4 hours of FREE babysitting. What would you do?
Anything with hubby and anything with food; dinner, movie, kid-free shopping at the grocery (that's often how our date nights end up).
What has being a mom taught you?
How unconditional love is, how we all need grace and Jesus, and how I cannot do it all. Humility is a strength and saying yes to those who offer to help you is not a sign of weakness.
What is your funniest or most embarrassing mommy moment so far?
I really struggled with this question. Partly because I have #mombrain and also because I feel like my ability to laugh at myself and/or not get so wound up about things has evolved since becoming a mom. I guess in years past, as a working, nursing mom, there were multiple times when admin or a custodian walked in on me pumping between therapy sessions, but really those moments were far more embarrassing to them than they were for me. I suppose more recently, as I've been training for the Bridge Street half marathon, I've found my "mommy bladder" is not a fan of long runs (or short ones), so that's slightly embarrassing as I'm trying to train.
Any words of wisdom for other moms?
You cannot do everything for everyone. What you do for your family is exactly what they need, so focus on doing for them what your gut tells you, not what you think you should do. Find one or two moms in the same stages of life as you. You need that support system, even if you don't always get to go out together or have coffee dates like you want to have. Just knowing there's someone else there in the trenches with whom you can bounce off ideas, vent, and relate helps keep you sane.
What is your favorite thing about FIT4MOM? What would you tell someone thinking about joining?
Fit4Mom's aim to reach "all the moms" is so true. I'm not the "typical" mom in this area; I'm older, I have older kids, and I work outside the home. Yet, I've found this awesome tribe who accepts me as I am, pushes me in Body Back, welcomes me at Stroller Strides and Stroller Barre classes when I'm off work, and loves on my kids. Don't assume there's a certain mold you have to fit to be a part of Fit4Mom. If you are a mom, you fit. You just have to put yourself out there and give it a try.