Tips for new Kindergarten Moms
Back to school! School supplies, early wake ups, new schedules, and a big transition. Is it your little one's first time in Mother's Morning Out (MMO) or Preschool? Or dare we say, KINDERGARTEN?!?
We have some top tips from veteran Mamas to help ease those first day jitters for your kiddo (and you!!!), and build the excitement for this big milestone!
Before their first day:
Help your kiddo pick out a special outfit they are excited to wear on the first day of school. Send them in tennis shoes as they'll likely be running around for P.E each day.
Likewise, help your kiddo pick out a backpack and lunchbox that they love and can't wait to carry each day.
Practice lunch time at home before school starts. Walk your child through opening his or her lunch box, practicing opening bags and containers, and invite them to help you make a list of their school lunch (or snack) favorites.
Head to the local library and check out books all about the first day of school.
Drive-by the school in the days leading up to the start of the school year. Point out the building, the entrance, and talk about what will happen when school starts.
If your school offers an Orientation then attend and ask any questions you may have. Also, use this time to take any school supplies with you. That way your kid(s) doesn't have to carry them in on the first day.
Answer all of the questions. Give them as many answers as you can.
The first day/week:
Mama, pack that lunch for the first day FULL of those favorites! And while we are talking about that lunch, pack a sweet note or post it with a smiley face.
Build up their confidence. Tell them how proud you are. And let them know that you will be waiting for them at the end of the day so excited to hear all about it.
Bus riders. Expect routes to take longer the first week as the drivers and students adjust.
Make sure YOU have a plan for what you're going to do after drop off. Plan a coffee date with a friend, go workout with your favorite workout group, or book an appointment that focuses on your self-care (hair, nails, massage etc). Those first couple of days will be filled with lots of emotions for both of you.