Top Tips to combat morning sickness
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is a common condition that affects up to 85% of women to varying degrees. It typically begins around 4-9 weeks and often eases around 12-16 weeks, although some do suffer throughout their entire pregnancy. There are many theories as to why some women experience “morning sickness”, everything from it being a protective mechanism to a deficiency in certain nutrients. No one really has any proven scientific answers, but hormonal balance could be an influential factor.
Unfortunately, the foods and scents that trigger a pregnant woman to experience nausea can change at a moment's notice without warning, but identifying and avoiding consistent triggers can be helpful.
Common triggers may be strongly scented foods (such as: fried onions or garlic, cruciferous vegetables, chicken, eggs) or cologne, perfume and scented body products.
Many women with nausea also find it hard to consume water or keep it down. Although staying hydrated is crucial for a healthy pregnancy, so it’s best consumed between meals, rather than with or after a meal. You can also try sucking on coconut water ice cubes.
Crackers and ginger ale are the two most common foods associated with combating nausea, but avoiding refined grain products and sugar is the best way to keep blood sugar stable, which is an important factor in reducing nausea. Make sure not to go too long without eating and include protein and healthy fats in meals and snacks. Although cravings for plain refined foods like bread and pasta can increase in early pregnancy, these foods can cause spikes in blood sugar, which can further aggravate symptoms of morning sickness.
Not always easy when feeling queasy and tired, but staying active through the first trimester, even if you are a little slower and logged fewer miles than usual, is important. Exercise strengthens you for the physical task of labor. It also improves mood, digestion, and circulation, which helps your baby to receive nutrients and oxygen more effectively.
Morning sickness is not a sign of a compromised pregnancy; actually those with nausea have a lower rate of miscarriage. Constant nausea in pregnancy can often be accompanied by other symptoms that may mimic depression: lack of motivation, wanting to stay in bed, lack of appetite, feeling less social, not enjoying things that usually bring you joy. Try to remember that these feelings are temporary and shall pass.