More than Prenatal Yoga
Congrats, you’re pregnant! Now what?
You’ve probably already started taking prenatal vitamins, downloaded the latest pregnancy app, researched local providers, and have started googling ways to stay healthy during pregnancy. Pregnancy is one of those periods of life where many women reflect on their own wellness (healthy mama, healthy baby) and so it's not surprising that women start to prioritize their wellness during this time.
We asked our community of Moms what steps they took to stay healthy during their pregnancy. They mentioned reducing alcohol intake, researching foods to avoid eating, new recipes to try, and looking for prenatal-safe workouts/trainers. We dug a little further and asked how they went about finding a prenatal safe workout and almost all of them said "I Googled prenatal yoga"...and honestly we hear this a lot. Prenatal yoga is an excellent option for expecting moms...but we also want to introduce you to FIT4BABY... the prenatal workout you didn't know you needed. FIT4BABY is so much more than prenatal yoga.
In addition to a safe and effective total-body prenatal workout taught by a certified prenatal instructor, FIT4BABY prioritizes connection and community. You'll meet other expecting local moms, make friends, and get a head start on building your support network before your baby arrives. You'll get recommendations to help you navigate your pregnancy and beyond, e.g. learning more about diastasis recti, pelvic floor health, breathwork, the mental load of motherhood, and those must-have items to add to your baby registry. Plus, you'll get valuable tips and information that we've collected from our extensive network of local experts.
Want to learn more and experience this prenatal experience for yourself? Come try a free class