It's not often that you are in a room with women who live in your City and are in the same life stage as you. That's why prenatal fitness can be so impactful.

The real reason you should exercise during your pregnancy
Put aside the significant physical benefits for both Mom and baby of exercising during your pregnancy (which to name a few includes increased energy levels, enhanced mood, may prevent or treat gestational diabetes, reduced lower back pain, improved sleep, and improved preparedness for labor & delivery) and instead think about the benefit of meeting women whose due dates are close to yours.
Imagine it!...maybe a connection starts with a conversation in class about a maternity clothing brand you both love. And sure enough each week as you see each other that connection grows and soon you have made a new friend. Someone who is in the exact same life stage as you. Someone who during your pregnancy (and beyond) can relate to how you're feeling, shares tips about what is (or isn't) working for them, and be there for you as you navigate your pregnancy...and then life with a newborn.
Having a support group made up of moms in the exact same life stage as you will help make your prenatal and postpartum experience that much more manageable. *THAT* is the reason you should try a FIT4BABY class.
FIT4BABY® is our prenatal program. This specifically designed prenatal workout will build your mental and physical endurance, strengthen your body, and prepare you for pregnancy, birth, and beyond. This 45min safe and effective total-body prenatal workout includes cardio endurance, strength conditioning, core balance, flexibility training and birth prep exercises appropriate for every stage of pregnancy. Each class ends with time for meditation and reflection, providing time for mom to connect with baby in utero. All FIT4MOM classes are taught by prenatal certified instructors with years of experience and training. The FIT4BABY class is SO MUCH MORE than just the workout. You'll meet other expecting local moms, make friends, and get a head start on building your support network before your baby arrives. You'll get recommendations to help you navigate your pregnancy and beyond, e.g. learning more about diastasis recti, pelvic floor health, breathwork, and the mental load of motherhood. Plus, you'll get valuable tips and information that we've collected from our extensive network of local experts.